PFG: Tutorial

Hi guys,

I thought I would write a more in-depth tutorial for anyone that needs one. The game, by itself, is very simple to get the hang of, but just in case, here you go.

Basic Controls

Left-click anywhere on the screen, while the game is playing, drag the cursor (while still holding down the left-mouse button) in the direction opposite to the direction you want the ball to travel. The further you pull, the faster and further the ball will go.

Potting the ball

To pot the ball, you must be travelling below a certain speed. I won't give too much away, as it's down to you to figure that out, but if your ball is going too fast, you will go straight over the hole. 


Water, similar to the hole, you will need to be travelling over a certain speed to cross it successfully. If you attempt to cross it too slowly, it will be game over and you will need to start again from the beginning.


As well as potting the ball, another challenge is to collect all of the coins or as many as you can. At the current state of the game, the coins have no effect on the game and are purely to give yourself a challenge. In a future update that will change. I am still working on a system for them.


Spikes are just another obstacle, to make potting the ball a bit harder.


In the first release, we don't encounter them often at all, but in future releases, these will be used more. 

Once you enter one you will be transported to another location, where the other portal is, there will be a delay before you can use it again. The speed you enter the portal is the speed you will exit. Same with the direction.

[I'll update this as and when it's needed]

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